JM posts

Going Abroad

I am going abroad for a few weeks, and it’s time to get ready. Traveling in your own country is easy. First of all, you don’t need a passport. Second, you don’t have to worry about changing money. Third, you can use your mobile phone to make local calls to hotels and restaurants. When you go to another country, everything is more difficult. First, you need a passport. Next, you have to change money or use a credit card. Third, you need to buy a special plan for your phone if you want to make local calls. If you don’t have a plan, it will be very expensive! I’m leaving for the U.S. on Friday, and I am almost ready. (120 words)

JM posts

Flying South for the Winter

At this time of year, it is starting to get cold in the north, so birds are flying south for the winter. Some birds like swans and ducks leave Siberia and fly down to lakes and rivers in northern and central Japan. Other birds like swallows leave Japan and go further south. Yesterday, while I was working at the environmental center, a friend came running in. “There’s an eastern buzzard (“nosuri”) in the sky!” He took me outside and pointed to a bird of prey flying in circles high in the sky. I have only seen this bird once before. I watched it for several minutes until it flew away. Later that day, I saw a Daurian redstart (“jobitaki”) for the first time this year. It will stay here for the winter. Yesterday was a great day for a birdwatcher!    (140 words)

Readers' Corner

Readers’ Corner: Sweet Memories

Many Japanese adults have great memories of old-fashioned sweets shops, called “dagashiya.” The sweets sold there are unusual and use simple ingredients such as millet and brown sugar. These are different than the Japanese sweets, known as “wagashi,” used in tea ceremony. The number of “dagashiya” was 228,123 in the year 1972. However, the number shrunk to 74,304 in 2016. The candy at “dagashiya” is inexpensive and varied, which gives kids a sense of choice about how to spend their limited pocket money. Although “dagashi” can be found at convenience stores today, some people say these sweets are not as good. The oldest “dagashiya” in Japan is Kamikawaguchiya, which was established in 1781. (115 words)

JM posts

What Should I Wear?

It’s the middle of October. That means that it is autumn now, right? That depends on the day. The high temperature last Thursday was 30 degrees. That’s definitely summer weather! Then, it dropped down to 23 degrees last Sunday. It was a wonderful autumn day, and on Monday morning, the temperature was only 13.5 degrees. Now, it’s back up to 26 degrees during the day. I have to ask myself, “What should I wear?” I hear this question everywhere: from my family, from my friends, and especially from the weather reporter on the TV news. When I’m not sure, I wear a short-sleeved shirt, and I carry a jacket with me. (111 words)

JM posts

Japanese Milestones

Throughout history, countries have used markers along main roads to show you how far you are from the center of the country. In England, they used stones that marked the miles from London, so we call them “milestones.” The Tokugawa government made markers called “ichirizuka” at the beginning of the Edo period. One “ri” is about 4 kilometers, and the “ichirizuka” were two little hills, or “tsuka,” with trees on them. They showed how far it was to Nihonbashi in Edo. Most of the “ichirizuka” are gone now, but I sometimes drive past the Kasadera “ichirizuka” in Nagoya. It is along the old Tokaido that connected Edo to Kyoto. It is 88 “ri” from Nihonbashi. (116 words)

JM posts

Going to the World Series!

Yesterday, the TV sports announcer began with some big news about Ohtani Shohei. His dream is coming true. He is going to the World Series for the first time! Although he has been one of the best players in Major League Baseball for several years, his team wasn’t very strong. Then, this year, he moved to the Dodgers, and his new team won more games than any other team in the National League. In the playoffs, the Dodgers beat the San Diego Padres first, and now they have beaten the New York Mets. They are the National League champions. They will play the New York Yankees, the American League champions, in the World Series. I’m rooting for the Dodgers! (119 words)