Readers’ Corner: A Surprise Birthday Gift

September 27 was my 50-something birthday. It has been a difficult time for my family, so we didn’t do anything special. No cake, no gift, just an ordinary dinner. That morning, I watched the day’s Jaremaga video as usual, and Professor Jarrell read my story. I figured he didn’t think the story was good because I had sent it over a month ago. There was no way he could have known it was my birthday, but I was happy to think that he had saved it for this special day. It was a pleasant surprise gift. He made my day! Thank you, Professor Jarrell! (104 words)

My answer: Of course, I didn’t know it was this reader’s birthday, but I’m very happy that it appeared at such a perfect time. To everyone who sends me stories, thank you very much. I always enjoy reading your stories, but I can’t use them all as soon as they are sent to me. Keep on sending me your stories, and you may find yours in Readers’ Corner someday.